
Eurosen­sors Conferences

2023 Lec­ce (Italy)
2022 Leu­ven (Bel­gium) joint­ly held with MNE (Micro and Nano Engi­neer­ing Con­fer­ence)
2021 spe­cial one day event “EUROSENSORS 2021 Vir­tu­al Meet­ing“
2020 Can­celled due to COVID pan­dem­ic
2019 Berlin (Ger­many) joint­ly held with Trans­duc­ers Con­fer­ence
2018 Graz (Aus­tria)
2017 Paris (France)
2016 Budapest (Hun­gary)
2015 Freiburg (Ger­many)
2014 Bres­cia (Italy)
2013 Barcelona (Spain) joint­ly held with Trans­duc­ers Con­fer­ence
2012 Krakow (Poland)
2011 Athens (Greece)
2010 Linz (Aus­tria)
2009 Lau­sanne (Switzer­land)
2008 Dres­den (Ger­many)
2007 Lyon (France) joint­ly held with Trans­duc­ers Con­fer­ence
2006 Gothen­burg (Swe­den)
2005 Barcelona (Spain)
2004 Roma (Italy)
2003 Guimaraes (Por­tu­gal)
2002 Prague (Czech Rep)
2001 Munich (Ger­many) joint­ly held with Trans­duc­ers Con­fer­ence
2000 Copen­hagen (Den­mark)
1999 The Hague (The Nether­lands)
1998 Southamp­ton (Unit­ed King­dom)
1997 War­saw (Poland)
1996 Leu­ven (Bel­gium)
1995 Stock­holm (Swe­den) joint­ly held with Trans­duc­ers Con­fer­ence
1994 Toulouse (France)
1993 Budapest (Hun­gary)
1992 San Sebas­t­ian (Spain)
1991 Rome (Italy)
1990 Karl­sruhe (Ger­many)
1989 Mon­treux (Switzer­land) joint­ly held with Trans­duc­ers Con­fer­ence
1988 Enschede (The Nether­lands)
1987 Cam­bridge (Unit­ed Kingdom)